Microgeneration Scheme

Microgeneration Scheme | Sell your excess power to the grid.

Approved by the Cabinet in December ‘21, the Microgeneration Scheme will allow home owners and businesses to receive payment for any excess renewable energy they export to the grid.

This planned scheme will enable households, small businesses, farmers and community groups to get paid from next September for excess solar power through installation of 1 million solar PV panels on rooftops in 70,000 properties in coming years.

Reacting to the announcement, Minister Eamon Ryan said “Micro-generation has an important role to play in empowering and driving engagement and participation. It creates opportunities for domestic, community, farming and small commercial customers to take the first steps towards investment in renewable technologies, which can play a role in shaping electricity demand and decarbonising homes and businesses.

The enabling framework for microgenerators will support homes and businesses to participate as active energy citizens, reduce their energy costs and contribute to carbon-reduction targets.

According to the Irish Solar Energy Association (ISEA), the scheme has the “potential to be among the most impactful climate measures introduced this decade”.

This scheme aims to help generate 380MW of installed micro-generation capacity to contribute to the target of up to 2.5GW of solar renewables in Ireland under the Climate Action Plan. 

Next Steps

To take advantage of the Solar PV and get lower electricity bills talk to us at JM Energy Savings or call 086 374 2260